Monday, August 6, 2012

Hungary week 1

Wow, crazy week I tell you.  I am in Hungary right now and it feels like nothing short of a dream.  As I drove along the Danube last Tuesday, chills went through my body.  This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen and more importantly, the people everything I dreamed of.

I don't have much pictures for everyone today, but I am taking them after this for next week.  My first area is called Veszprém, a city just south west of Budapest.  My companion is a Brit from Liverpool named Knight elder.  I love this elder so much!  He is one of the hardest workers I have ever met, but he also needs his fun which is good.  He was super excited to meet me when he found out I played rugby.  Apparently we are the only two in the entire mission who even know how to play hahaha.  We are like best friends already because we just work so well together.

Veszprém is so sweet!  We legitimately street people next to a castle!  See, that is the nice thing about this area.  Knocking doors doesn't really help as much as just contacting people as they are walking on the street.  These people are so nice too!  I often think back to when I did door to door sales in Oregon and how rough it was.  These people, like 80% of the time stop!  They don't even know me and I have some of the worst Hungarian known to man, but they stop for me.  They are so receptive too!  My companions best week on the mission was when he handed out 12 Books of Mormon, but we got 11 in our first 3 days.  It's so wonderful to see my excitement and our success creating that greeny faith in him again.

The weirdest thing that I have come to see is weekends in Hungary.  You either have programs (lessons) or you are simply sunk.  Everyone mysteriously disappears, it is the weirdest thing in the world.  We surprisingly still handed out two with the deserted streets on Szombat (Saturday), and it shocked my companion.  Vasarnap (Sunday) was amazing though.  I got up and bore my testimony the best I could and that was enough.  The spirit spoke better than I did, so that's all that matters.

I was a little intimidated when I got here and saw all of the Hungarian signs and everything I couldn't understand, but I have no fear anymore.  People often let rejection, fear and nervousness stop them, but why?  Tudom hogy Jézus Krisztus által minden dolog lehetséges.  Why worry about when the language will come?  Why worry about rejection?  It will come and in the timing in which my Savior sees fit.  I will work myself to death, collapsing every single night from working so hard, but I will never be down.  The Lord asks for my best and I will give it too Him.

I'm in Hungary, in Eastern Europe.  Supposedly one of the hardest missions because it is labeled as a "European mission."  People hear that and just think that it is impossible because it is "Harder here."  I'm here to tell you that that is a lie.  I am here as a servant of the Lord.  I am here to change lives and wash them clean through baptism.  I am here to make these people smile.  Yes, I am in Europe, but that is all the more reason to have success.  This is the Lords children and I will make miracles happen.  The Lord will make miracles happen.

Never stop smiling
Nelson elder

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